Contrary to our previous statement. I'd like to assure everyone that we're not going to die on this trip. I hope this assurance doesn't take away from the entertainment.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Hungover in Prague

All going to plan so far, with incidents kept to minimum. Spent a night in a layby on Saturday, I picked up my necessary 8 hours, while Oli got 2 hours fitful sleep being disturbed by hookers and lorry drivers, he finally left at 5am when someone came and took a photo of him through the drivers window.

Ben has certainly screwed us over with the green headbands, we now have to wear them the whole time just so people recognise us. Turned up to the party without last night and spent hours reintroducing ourselves. Needless to say they are back on, and looking hot, this morning.

Realistically, there's little chance of updating this blog as we go, but we are going to regularly text in to the site. Visit Mongolia in a Micra on the Mongol Rally site where you can see our texts. Either go to then to the on the road section and find our team name and then click on it, or use the address below. Would put a link in but everything is in Czech and I'm confused (for a change).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...